What does the AoR Covid-19 guidance include?
AoR Members will:
- Work within their Governments Guidelines
- Have prepared for and complied with the AoR Return to work document
- Comply with the AoR Covid-19 Secure Hygiene Guidelines – details strict hygiene practices for the therapist. You can request to see a full copy from your therapist
- Changes that will be made include the following:
- You will be asked to complete a risk assessment form before each treatment to ascertain if it is appropriate for you to have a treatment.
- Hand washing before and after treatments (or hand sanitiser with a minimum of 60% alcohol)
- Our members will have clean, dedicated clothes/uniforms for treatments
- Treatment spacing – allowing 15 minutes between clients to minimise contact with other clients.
- Cleaning – This 15 minutes also allows for couch/chair coverings to be changed and any surfaces that have been touched to be cleaned between each client.
- Depending on the latest government guidelines, your Reflexologist is likely to be wearing a facial covering.
- Clean linen and towels – will be used for each client
- Soft furnishings – will be removed if non-essential or completely covered e.g. foot pillows
- A cleaning checklist will be on display to show when cleaning has taken place.
- Waste will be disposed of in line with Government Guidelines
- Laundry in line with Government Guidelines
As a client you will be required to:
- Complete a risk assessment before each treatment.(Your therapist will contact you to complete this)
- On arrival declare if anything has changed with your health or within your family unit.
- Wash your hands (or use hand sanitiser provided by the therapist) on arrival
- You may be asked to bring and wear your own face covering. Your therapist will let you know before your treatment if this is the case.
- Bring your own bottle of water
- Bring your own blanket (if requested by the Reflexologist)
- Inform your Reflexologist if you develop symptoms of Covid-19 8.
Arrange contactless payment if possible Hygiene and your safety is of paramount importance to us, if there is anything you are unsure about please contact me, claire@feetology.co.uk or 07747 848594.